Welcome to WEH Value, I am a college student studying finance and I am very passionate about investments. I’ve wanted to make a blog for a long time but just never got around to actually doing it. I don’t have any particular aim with this blog but hopefully, I can attract some like-minded investors. At the very least, this will serve as a place to store my ideas and document my investment journey. I mostly invest in small, micro-cap stocks, but I won’t and haven’t put any restrictions on what I can invest in. I simply try to find value where ever it can be found. I will be regularly posting my ideas to this blog.
My stock analysis posts will happen whenever I come across an interesting stock that offers value, I’m not going to set a recurring date for this, as I don’t want to make blog posts for the sake of just making content. I’m going for quality over quantity. Similarly, my stock evaluations might seem overly concise or simplistic to some. But this is because I believe security analysis shouldn’t be overly complicated, I don’t see any reason to make something longer and more complex than it has to be. Generally speaking, if the value cannot be identified without using complex mathematics and formulas, it probably doesn’t exist. I will supply all the information and points that I think are relevant, but I will not waste my time, or your time, performing meaningless complex equations or writing 10-page essays.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this blog, and feel free to leave feedback and/or reach out whenever.